The Basket view is designed to streamline the checkout process and assist sales staff in delivering a personalized shopping experience. Let’s explore its key components and functionalities.


Key Elements of the Basket View


Customers can access the Basket View by pressing the round Basket button in the top-right corner of the Product Listing. The Basket View consists of four main components:


  1. Basket Item List
  2. Payment Method Options
  3. How About These Widget
  4. Park Basket Button

1. Basket Item List

The Basket Item List provides an organized display of all items added to the basket, along with their details. Each item row includes:

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Below the item list, summary details are displayed:

This section ensures a clear and concise overview of the basket's contents, helping users make informed decisions.

2. Payment Method Options

The Basket View offers multiple checkout options based on the configuration set in the Admin app. These methods include:

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💡 TIP: Each selected payment method will guide customers to a corresponding Checkout View tailored to that method. Let’s get into the details in Chapter 9: Checkout and Delivery Methods.


3. How About These Widget

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The How About These Widget suggests accessory items or complementary products relevant to the items in the basket. This feature is designed to inspire additional purchases and elevate the shopping experience.


🔗 Let’s get into the details of How About These Widget in Chapter 8: How About These Widget.


4. Park Basket Button

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Sales staff can utilize the Park Basket Button to temporarily save a customer’s basket. This feature is ideal for assisting customers who may need extra time to decide or return later to complete their order.


🔗 For more details on Park Basket feature, refer to Chapter 8: Park and Resume Baskets.


By understanding the key elements of the Basket View, users can efficiently manage items, navigate payment options, and explore additional features that enhance the overall shopping experience.