Sales staff can use the Park Basket feature to temporarily save a customer’s basket, offering for flexibility for customers who need more time to decide or return later to complete their order. This is especially helpful in physical stores where customers might try on items or explore additional options.


How to Park a Basket

In the Basket View, the Park Basket button is located at the bottom of the screen. This button remains sticky, ensuring visibility even if the basket list is lengthy.

Park basket 1.png

Park basket 2.png

Park basket 4.png

  1. Initiating the Park Basket Process:
  2. Completing the Process:

This feature helps sales staff provide a seamless experience while ensuring customers are not rushed during their shopping journey.

Resume a Basket

Parked baskets can be accessed via the Staff Dashboard under the Parked Baskets section, located between the Staff Tools and Information sections.

Resume basket 1.png

Resume basket 2.png

Resume basket 3.png

Details of Parked Baskets

Each row in the parked basket list includes the following details: