The You May Also Like widget offers alternative product recommendations, helping customers explore similar items effortlessly when the PDP product doesn’t fully meet their needs.


Inspiring Alternative Recommendations

The You May Also Like widget, located below the PDP, displays curated alternatives to the selected product.

From the initial state to viewing more items





  1. Initial View:
  2. Expanding the Widget:
  3. Loading More Items:
  4. No More Items to Load:

This seamless browsing experience helps customers find the perfect alternative without leaving the PDP.

Quick Add to Basket for YMAL Widget

Streamline the shopping process by adding items to the basket directly from the You May Also Like widget.

How It Works

1. Quick Add to Basket button

  1. Quick Add to Basket button

2. Triggering the feature

  1. Triggering the feature

3. Interacting with the feature

  1. Interacting with the feature