Background media is a great way to showcase your brand visually from the start. Let’s explore how to upload, update your background media, and localize it based on the customer’s preferred language.


Default Media in Settings

In the Settings menu under Entry, navigate to Background Media to upload your default media. Drag and drop your vertical or horizontal files as needed.

Add Default Media

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Media Ratio and Display Behavior

Vertical media applied

Vertical media applied

Horizontal media added alongside vertical media

Horizontal media added alongside vertical media

Only vertical media uploaded → Auto-adjusted to fit horizontal screens

Only vertical media uploaded → Auto-adjusted to fit horizontal screens

If only one orientation is uploaded, the media will automatically resize to fit the screen while maintaining its proportions.

For immediate changes to take effect, refresh the app's browser.

Localized Media by Country

To provide a personalized experience, you can configure different media for customers based on their selected language in InStore. Let’s look at how to add localized media and set its language preferences.

Add Localized Media and Configure Languages

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  1. Add Localized Media: Click the Add Localized Media button to start.
  2. Select Languages: Choose one or more languages from the dropdown for your localized content.
  3. Upload Media: Upload vertical, horizontal, or both orientations for each localized option.

Add Unlimited Options

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You can create as many localized media options as needed, selecting multiple languages for each option. This ensures every customer feels connected to your brand.